Become a METRO Member
For nearly 50 years, we’ve offered helpful benefits to our members. We’re talking scholarships, digitization grants, book delivery, networking events, digital collections hosting, access to our digital media studio, and so much more.
Your organization can join METRO regardless of where in the world you are located. To qualify for some of our membership benefits, organizations must be located in New York City or Westchester County. This is because much of our funding comes from the New York State Department of Cultural Education, and that funding is meant to serve our region.
But there are many ways to engage with METRO services and our local library community even if you are on the other side of the country - or the planet!
Membership Categories
Local LAM Member
Eligibility for LAM Membership requires that an organization operates a library and is located in New York City or Westchester County.
For purposes of membership with METRO, a library is defined as an entity that provides reference and research services and has a separate and independent budget. Libraries include, but are not limited to, archives, public libraries, public elementary school or secondary school libraries, academic libraries, museum libraries, research libraries, and private libraries. METRO does not certify or evaluate individual libraries except against our own membership criteria.
Local LAM Members are eligible for
- Resource Sharing (materials delivery services, library referrals)
- Grant Programs (digital initiatives grants, Equity in Action grants, and, for qualifying academic libraries, CCDA as well)
- Educational Programs and Events
- Digital Collections Services (DCMNY participation and discounted rates for custom or individual Archipelago repositories)
Hospital Members
The METRO Hospital Library Services Program (HLSP) supports the work of hospital and medical center libraries in New York City and Westchester County, therefore we have a separate membership category for eligible institutions. Eligible organizations are hospital libraries in not for-profit hospitals licensed by the New York State Health Department or member libraries serving such hospitals. Hospital members enjoy all of the benefits of being Local LAM members, and as hospital members they have access to other categorical aid from New York State.
Hospital Members are eligible for
- All of the same services Local LAM Members enjoy and
- HLSP and MISP grants
Non-Profit Members
Non-Profit Membership is open to any non-profit organization regardless of their geographic location or their official status as a library. Because METRO receives funding from New York State’s Office of Cultural Education to support specific programs, Non-Profit Members are not eligible for some of the programs and services that local are.
Non-Profit Members are eligible for
- 25% discounted rate on custom or individual Archipelago repositories, support contracts, and consultation. This discount may also apply for other qualifying government entities who are not eligible for traditional METRO membership; reach out to us to learn more.
- Educational Programs and Events
Membership Fees
Annual operating expenditures of membership units (salaries, materials and other expenses): Annual Dues
- Under $50,000: Annual Dues - $330
- Between $50,000 and $99,000: Annual Dues - $551
- Between $100,000 and $249,000: Annual Dues - $881
- Between $250,000 and $499,000: Annual Dues - $1,210
- Between $500,000 and $749,000: Annual Dues - $1,652
- Between $750,000 and $999,000: Annual Dues - $2,202
- Between $1,000,000 and $2,000,000: Annual Dues - $3,305
- Over $2,000,000: Annual Dues - $4,405
In accordance with Article II Section 9 of the METRO Bylaws “Dues for each category of membership shall be set by majority vote of the members based on recommendations of the Board of Trustees.” Until further action by the Board, the following annual dues schedule will be in effect.