The second annual STEM Information Professionals Mini Conference NYC is coming up in March, 2025 at Barnard College, and the conference team is looking for for people who want to share their research, programs, events, projects, and more at the intersection of the sciences and information. 

Do you have an idea for a session or workshop? Submit your proposal ideas by February 8, 2025, using this form.

Who can submit?
Anyone involved in a project, research, programming, or an event exploring sciences and information or information organization. Early career professionals and people from historically underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.

In 2024 our sessions featured artists, public librarians, academic librarians, a K-12 school librarian, university faculty, data informationalists, public health experts, medical librarians, archivists, and other information professionals.

Some examples of potential proposals include:

  • Exhibits or displays highlighting science or technology artifacts, periodicals, or ephemera
  • Creative ways to provide library instruction to students majoring in STEM disciplines
  • Observations and studies on how science majors use the library and archives
  • Presentations from librarians and information professionals who are from science and non-science backgrounds
  • A presentation on transitioning to a STEM role from a non-STEM role
  • Research on science, technology, math, natural science in literature, poetry, or experimental fiction
  • Nature, sustainability, and information science
  • STEM programming in various library, archive, museum or information settings
  • STEM and art

See examples of the sessions offered in 2024 at this link

Don’t feel limited by these examples! The sky's the limit. Propose your session and let us review it!

Submit proposals for sessions and workshops through February 8, 2025.

Register today for the two-day mini-conference, taking place on March 20th and 21st, 2025: